Latest News

watercolor painting of MCC campus


9/5 high school progress reports go home to get signed by a parent/guardian and returned to teachers.

9/12 college progress reports are due to CCTL from instructors of first 8-week courses; they will be emailed to students & parents once received

9/17 parent information session 5:30pm for this year's grads and grad-parents in VB210

9/18 9th and new-10th graders start ACA122; continues each Wednesday until 12/11

9/26  BakeGive!  9th-13th come to the courtyard during lunch for games, fun and prizes!

9/27 early release Friday; school dismisses at 1pm

9/30 absence waiver request forms are due to the office if you are over 3 absences during Aug - Sept; Ms. Barnette will attach any provided Dr, dentist, therapist, and/or funeral notes to the form for the committee's review

9/30 college progress reports are due to CCTL (except 9th); they will be email to parents and students

10/1-9 absence waiver forms are due upon returning to school for any Oct absences

10/4  MCC is in session for Friday classes; CCTL has optional teacher workday; no CCTL classes; students may make-up owed time if over 3 absences -- 9th/10th in Ms. Matthews' classroom; 11th in Ms. Watt's classroom; 12th/13th in Mrs. Schimankey's classroom

10/9  end of nine weeks; all make-up work and time are due

10/14-15 Fall Break; MCC and CCTL are not in session; optional teacher workdays; students may make up time if over 3 absences -- in Ms. Matthews' classroom


Register for MCC emergency alerts:

If you are new to CCTL and/or MCC, or if you have not previously registered for emergency alerts from MCC, please use this link to register:

You may list email addresses and phone numbers for alerts; and, you may indicate whether you prefer texts or phone calls or both.  When creating your alert profile, please select "CCTL" and "MCC Emergency Alerts" as your subscriptions.  


PTO meeting:

All are welcome!  Please join us on Wednesday Oct 2nd at 5:30pm in the CCTL metal building.  We will discuss our Belk Charity Day fundraiser, Spirit Wear, and a year-at-a-glance of PTO events/needs.  Our PTO president's and treasurer's students are graduating this year; so, we need some new parents to join!



The Results Are In!!


It's official... CCTL is an "A" school and Exceeded Growth!  This is based on our 2023-24 school year metrics.  Thank you Students and Teachers for all of your hard work!


poster showing A+ and cctl logo for exceeding growth target


watercolor painting of MCC campus

Get the BEST deal of the year!



Order a yearbook for your student by Friday, September 6, 2024 and you’ll get it at the lowest price of the year!

 › $45 now and will continue to go up.



Spread out the cost of your yearbook order with three interest-free payments.*

*Minimum purchase requirements and eligibility restrictions apply.